From Bruising to Blessing

This has been a strange week. It started with a bruising and ended with a blessing.

Now that I think about it, the week actually started with the Pilot Fire, a nearby forest fire that completely burned the area on the Pacific Crest Trail I hiked not so long ago. Gone, just like that. (The photos accompanying this blog were probably the last ever taken of that particular spot.) Smoke has hung over the city for the better part of a week, burning my throat and filling my sinuses to a painful degree.

It was during this time of smoke that I went to a dance class that bruised me. Before the class began, they talked about a woman who had broken up with her demanding boyfriend. They all mentioned how lucky they were they had husbands and no longer had to deal with such matters. All are married, set for life financially, and it seemed to me they were smug in their belief that things would always be as they are. I stood there, off to the side, with nothing to say. I have no husband. My life isn’t settled. I don’t expect people to be aware of me, but still, their unconscious reminder that I am alone, living a rather precarious existence, bruised me.

During class, they rehearsed for a show I won’t be doing (costumes and accessories are way beyond my current budget) and that, too, made me feel out of place. Recently, one of the women had chastised me, telling me that when one joins a performance group, one does what one is told and I was feeling rebellious. (To be honest, I didn’t realize I’d joined a performance group. I thought I was just taking more advanced classes.) So for the first time ever, I left a class before time. They thought I was angry, but I wasn’t. I just needed to get out of there.

On my way out the door, I wondered if I needed to find other people, widows, perhaps, where I didn’t feel so alien.

As fate would have it, the very next night, we did a luau for a bereavement group, and talking with those women — some frantically determined to stop grieving after the first year, others well into the second-year grief resurgence — I realized I didn’t belong with them, either. My pain was too old, too dimmed, and though I understood what they were going through, I was beyond such raw pain. And, selfishly, I don’t want to revisit those days through other people’s grief.

I never was one for groups, but after Jeff died, I made a concerted effort to be sociable. So now? I don’t know. I consider myself lucky to have a couple of good friends who understand (mostly) what I am going through, and I am lucky to have found a place to live this month where I could set up my exercise mat and weight bench. I have also been making an effort to live in the moment, to give up worrying about the future, to think new thoughts when the old ones get too oppressive. (Though, honestly, it is hard to think new thoughts. All I have done my whole life is think, so all different kinds of thoughts have already passed through my mind, but I suppose looking for a new thought to think helps get me past the disappointing times.)

And then, yesterday came. The fire was mostly out, only a faint smokiness still hanging in the air. I had beginning ballet and beginning tap, which I love — no straining to work beyond my capabilities. No rehearsing. Just working on technique, steps and combinations. (And only a couple people in the class showed up, which made things even easier — no feeling of being overwhelmed.) And miraculously, I felt blessed all day. Oddly, a friend invited me to a movie last night, Miracles from Heaven, which seemed to compound the miraculousness.

I still feel blessed today, though nothing special has happened. I worked a bit on my novel, trying to figure out what characters I need and where to go from here. I read a couple of Ellis Peter’s Brother Cadfael mysteries. And I played a dozen games of computer solitaire while I let my mind wander. And I am blogging!!!

Truly blessed.


(Pat Bertram is the author of the suspense novels Light Bringer, More Deaths Than One, A Spark of Heavenly Fire, and Daughter Am I. Bertram is also the author of Grief: The Great Yearning, “an exquisite book, wrenching to read, and at the same time full of profound truths.”)

6 Responses to “From Bruising to Blessing”

  1. Malcolm R. Campbell Says:

    I like those weeks where happiness compensates for the slings and arrows (and smoke).

  2. Linda Says:

    To be honest, I have never felt like I fit in anywhere. I am kind of a loner at times even though I am married. Sometimes I like being in a crowd without having to talk to anyone. Am I weird? I feel that way.

    • Pat Bertram Says:

      Being in a crowd is sometimes comforting, even if — especially if — you don’t talk. I feel like that at dance class sometimes because all the rest of the time I am alone, and it is comforting to be around people despite everything. I never fit anywhere until I met my soul mate, and then we didn’t fit anywhere together. Now that he is gone, I really don’t fit anywhere.

      I don’t think you’re weird, but then, since I am the same, I wouldn’t. There are a lot of us who feel the way you do. We just are too much alone to find each other, and if we did find each other, we’d never form a group.

  3. Constance Says:

    Sometimes, I like to be alone and have some quiet time. Other times I like to be around people and socialize.
    I live with 2 men, my husband and adult son, whom have totally different personalities and don’t always get along. It is difficult being in this situation, especially being in the middle when there are problems between them. I get tired of dealing with these issues.
    My son has had health problems since the day he was born. He had a stroke 7 years ago.
    My husband had a Heart Attack several years ago, has recently had stents put in his leg due to 100% blockage of the artery, and a month later, escaped being killed when his truck rolled in the winds coming home from working in AZ. It is a miracle that he is alive.
    I have health issues, that I have to deal with basically alone. My life is not easy.
    Being married, does not make me financially secure. In fact, I am not. This is why I talk about selling my house and moving to something smaller and is easier to maintain in a different area, so that our bills are not so high and we are closer to our medical facilities.
    As far as the dance group, yes, it is a “Performing Dance Group”. That is why we practice the dances that we are going to do in shows during our classes. If you do not like the “Performing Group”, why don’t you go to the other classes that are not so strenuous. You give the impression that you are happier there.
    I like to perform and enjoy entertaining people, that is why I belong to the “Performing Group”.
    Sometimes, I wish I was single and could do what I what.
    We all have our problems. Please don’t make assumptions and categorize us all in 1 Clump.

    • Pat Bertram Says:

      I’m sorry you took this personally. I wasn’t talking about you. Wasn’t making assumptions. I know what your life is like. (I don’t think you were even there for that conversation.) Besides, I was just setting the scene to show how blessed I am.

  4. My Writer’s Retreat | Bertram's Blog Says:

    […] From Bruising to Blessing […]

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