his was an interesting article and an extensive discussion about cursive writing that I thought you might like to see. (This was one of my few attempts at reblogging, but if I ever do such a thing again, I’ll do it by hand so I have more control of what is posted. There is no way for me to resize the photo, or to break the article off at a better breaking point. Sorry it’s such a mess. I’ll know better next time.)

Me? I write my novels long hand because that is the easiest way for me to delve into into myself for the story. I’m not one of those writers who can sit down and let the words flow. I have to sit and think about everything I want to say, and to figure out the best words to show what I decide to say. Sort of anachronistic, I know, but it helps me get deeper into the story. And I’m not the only one. Studies have shown that there is a direct mind/hand connection, that you think better when writing by hand, so it makes sense to teach both keyboarding and cursive, since both types of writing use different parts of the brain.

I write my blogs on the computer, for instance, because blogging for me is more stream of consciousness, and those words flow. I generally don’t have to sit and think about what I want to say. At least, not often. Sometimes writing a blog takes me hours.

What about you? Do you still write anything long hand, or do you strictly use the keyboards of your various devices? Or perhaps you use voice recognition technology? Such technology makes both cursive and keyboarding obsolete.

Robin Coyle

An article in today’s paper gave me pause. Cursive handwriting has one foot in the grave.

A debate wages as 45 states adopt school curriculum guidelines for 2014 that exclude cursive handwriting, but do require keyboard proficiency by the time students exit elementary school.

You can read the full article here, but some highlights are:

“ . . . it has teachers and students divided over the value of learning flowing script and looping signatures in the age of touchpads and mobile devices. Some see it as a waste of time, an anachronism in a digitized society where even signatures are electronic, but others see it as necessary so kids can hone fine motor skills, reinforce literacy, and develop their own unique stamp of identity.”

“When a kid can text 60 words a minute, that means we’re headed in a different direction. Cursive is becoming less important.”

“School assignments…

View original post 402 more words

16 Responses to “”

  1. Pat Hernandez Says:

    During the 1990s I wrote 6 books by hand but I was printing, not cursive writing. For some reason, I can print faster than I can write. But when I got my first computer, I discovered that I could write faster on it. My two oldest granddaughters spent their grade school years in England and learned a different kind of cursive–more like connected printing. They are grown now and never learned our version of cursive. My two youngest grandchildren (ages 11 and 9) are more proficient on the computer than they are with handwriting so I guess the times are changing. I’m not sure how I feel about that but it does seem strange.

    • Pat Bertram Says:

      My handwriting is half printing, half cursive.

      I’m getting used to writing on the computer, so I wonder if I’ll end up doing fiction via keyboard in the future. Sometimes I just need the handwritten copy to get me started, and then I can continue via keyboard.

      It’s funny, though — until I read that blog post, I had no idea penmanship was a dying thing of the past.

  2. leesis Says:

    I sat goodbye cursive writing goodbye. I never wrote it well enough for my teachers and I hated it. From grade six I wrote in capital letters and refused to change :). I do write with pen and paper…but no cursive writing will be seen!

  3. Andrew Barlow Says:

    For some years after I left school my handwriting was very good. Then the pressure of keeping almost verbatim notes of what is said by witnesses in court compelled me to write as fast as they were speaking. My handwriting became bad and that is now irreversible. However, I agree with the connection between brain and hand. Typing, whether on a typewriter or pc keyboard is very impersonal but I have difficulty reading my own handwriting now.

    • Pat Bertram Says:

      They used to say that everyone could do something that no one else could, even if it’s just reading your own handwriting. I guess that isn’t so true anymore.

  4. joylene Says:

    I write in my journal, I write notes to my family, but honestly my penmanship is terrible so I try to avoid it. I would love to have a nice handwriting style. I really appreciate it when I see someone who does.

  5. robincoyle Says:

    Thanks again for the reblog. I enjoyed the comment conversation you have going here. The only things I write in cursive any more are thank you notes, notes on greeting cards, and my grocery list. I am in awe that you write your books with a pencil and paper. How Shakespearean of you!

  6. emiliabrasier Says:

    Interesting, my son is in kindergarten and they switched the print style they learn because it adapts better to switching into cursive. I enjoy writing by hand. I write letters to my kids for when they are older. I write grocery lists, I prefer an old fashioned calendar. I think that there is something so personal about handwriting, I will always remember my Mom and Dad’s for example, and seeing both now is like a jolt back to being a kid. I hope that my kids feel the same way. It would be sad if they never knew what my hand writing looked like.

    • Pat Bertram Says:

      You’re right about handwriting and how personal it is. I’ve kept stray notes my mate wrote just because they are in his handwriting. And my 96-year-old father still has the same bold signature he always did.

      Interesting about your son being taught a different type of printing. I didn’t know there was a diffrent type.

      • Andrew Barlow Says:

        I agree with you. Handwriting in some ways is often more personal, enduring and deeply emotional than photographs. I realised this when after having destroyed letters, notes and other written matters too often and then too late found that a link to people and events that mean a lot have been taken away for ever.

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