Pat Bertram Is Two Years Old Today!


On May 17, 2007, I — or rather, Pat Bertram — signed gift4up for the Internet, and it was love at first byte. The entire world opened up to me, and I was reborn. I’d already written four books, but until I went online, I hadn’t started creating the author of those books. Who should I be? What name should I use? I considered using a male pseudonym, Cole Black, perhaps, since men with hard C’s and K’s do well in the public arena. Anyone heard of Steven King? Dean Koontz? Tom Clancy? Kevin Costner? Clint Eastwood?

In the end I decided to stick with a version of my own name, one that I didn’t use in my offline life. It’s a good name for an author with enough hard consonants to sound authoritative. And it has the whole androgynous “It’s Pat” thing going for it; I can be whoever I want. Besides, p’s and b’s and t’s and r’s didn’t hurt Brad Pitt any.

I signed up for my domain, set up a website at, then fished around for another way to create myself, and discovered blogging. I didn’t even know what a blog was, didn’t think it was something I would ever be able to do (my diaries as a kidgift3 never lasted more than a day or two), but I’d discovered that an author needed a blog. Since I was intent on creating myself as an author, I signed up for WordPress, and oh! What a joy! I could write whatever I wanted, say what I wanted, be what I wanted, and people would read what I wrote. Okay, only a couple of people read Bertram’s Blog at the beginning, but I am still friends with one of them. How cool is that? I’m too embarrassed to admit how many blogs I now have — some of which I keep up with on a regular basis, soballoons1me I don’t — but blogging remains one of my favorite online activities.

From blogging, I went to to enter a crime writing contest, and through a series of incredibly serendipitous encounters, I found a publisher. And more friends. After that, of course, I had to start promoting, so I started social networking. I’d heard from so many authors how much they hated promoting, but me? I think it’s great fun. It’s all about making friends, and what’s more fun than that?

So, friends, please join me in celebrating this very special birthday. You don’t even have to bring me a present. I have presents for you! Click on either package to open.  I hope you have fun.

I know I will.

46 Responses to “Pat Bertram Is Two Years Old Today!”

  1. All Purpose Monkey Says:

    Happy online Birthday! 🙂

  2. amydetrempe Says:

    Happy Birthday, Pat :).

    What a great idea. I hope you have a ton of fun at your celebration and are surrounded by friends.

  3. Joan De La Haye Says:

    Happy Birthday, Pat!
    I hope you have many more online birthdays. This is a wonderful idea!

    Joan De La Haye

  4. Patty Justis Says:

    A very Happy Birthday to you and Ms(r). Pat Bertram 🙂 At first when I read the invitation…was thinking it said you were two years old(er). Thought getting your books published and (wow) edited had taken two years off your life.
    Glad to hear that this author journey has been such a satisfying and positive sojourn for you. Hopefully, just the first leg of an incredible voyage. Enjoy!!

  5. John Philipp Says:

    Hi Pat, what a fun idea.

    I wish you a Happy Internet Birthday and many more. Enjoy your day I have to run off and open some presents ….

  6. Magaly Says:

    Happy online birthday Love!

  7. Sarah Butland Says:

    Happy Birthday/ Online Anniversary. Keep up with your blogs – you never know who might have a peek and contact you. 🙂

  8. J.R. Lindermuth Says:

    Have a great ‘birthday,’ Pat.

  9. Sue Reifsnider Says:

    Happy Birthday Pat!!!!!!! I hope you have a great day. I don’t eat cake. So, you may have my slice. 🙂

    Thanks for all the encouragement you have given me.

    I’m on my way to Philly to the show see Movin’ Out. I’ll talk to ya soon.

    See ya!


  10. Barbara M. Hodges Says:

    Pat, wishing you a happy birthday. It’s your day, enjoy it!

  11. Jean Henry Mead Says:

    Happy Birthday. I agree. Great idea! I’d love to interview you for my Mysterious People blog:


  12. Kristine M Smith Says:


    Happy, happy birthday! Oh, what a person can do when they find the venue and have the passion to keep it going!

    I, too, started my first blog just a tad over two years ago. I’ve had a book website for a few years… and articles in lots of places about my mentor, DeForest Kelley, which have attracted folks wanting to interview me on Internet radio about him.. and readers have suggested me to others… and Laurie suggested me to you just a couple weeks ago, and away we went!

    It has all been so much fun for a shy type like me who is best with written words and not real crazy about public appearances (but I do them anyway, and they turn out very well! Thank You, Jesus!)!

    Jumping into the publicity pool is always daunting at first, but once there, as soon as you realize you can float and then paddle, pretty soon you’re out there swimming like a seasoned, playful otter, having a blast, meeting new people, and finding ways to be a blessing to those you’ve touched, and to those who have touched you.

    Blessings in abundance are in store for for you, I predict!

    Go, Pat, go!

  13. Craig Faustus Buck Says:

    Happy Birthday, Pat, you terrible two you.

  14. Deborah Shlian Says:

    Happy birthday, Pat.

  15. Jill Lynn Says:

    Happy Birthday, Pat. Today is my mother’s birthday (for real.) She’s a bit older than two, though 🙂

  16. Patricia Says:

    Pat, thanks for letting friends share this joyous event with you.

    Happy, Happy Birthday!

  17. Janet Rudolph Says:

    Happy Birthday! Two years.. great!

  18. Jan, J.D. Holiday Says:

    Hey Pat,
    Happy Birthday to you! Have a GREAT day!

  19. joylene Says:

    Happy Birthday, Pat. Two years! Wow, you’ve come a long way. I’ve been online since 1996 & haven’t accomplished an 8th of what you have. You’re inspiring. I’m going back to click on your icons. Have a great day!

  20. Lynne DuMae Says:

    Happy Birthday!!!

  21. A. F. Stewart Says:

    Happy Online Birthday, and Best Wishes for many more.

  22. DJ Ledford Says:

    Happy Birthday Pat! You have grown by leaps and bounds during your 2 years on the Internet. Hard to believe it’s only been that long for you. Your promotion through the WWW is an incredible opportunity you have taken full advantage of. You have virtually reached out and touched people across the globe with your insightful thoughts and memorable books. I wish you all the best in your journey. I don’t want to daunt you, but please know that you are mentoring a league of writers with what you present via your successful blog and excellent articles.

  23. Claire Collins Says:

    Happy Online birthday Pat! You’ve come a long ways in 2 years. I know I’ve learned a lot from you.

  24. Lynette Hampton Says:

    Congratulations on your second birthday, Pat. And thanks for the ideas you’ve given me for promoting my books, too. Isn’t it wonderful how we learn from each other?

  25. thommalyn Says:

    Happy Birthday, Pat! And congratulations on your fabulous accomplishments. You’re an inspiration! 🙂

  26. Sheila Roberts Says:

    Happy birthday, Pat!

  27. Shawneda Marks Says:

    Hope yours is a day filled with love, life, laughter and the Lord! Happy birthday!!!

  28. Helen Says:

    Happy Birthday Pat! May you have many many more.

  29. J. Louise Larson Says:

    Happy Birthday, Pat! And many happy returns on the investment of time and attention for all your efforts. You’re an inspiration. Best, j

  30. Pat Bertram Says:

    Wow! Such an outpouring of birthday wishes. No wonder this is a birthday I celebrate. It’s truly been a joy to connect with so many people.

    Me? An inspiration? A mentor? Yikes. I do have a new motto, though — promotion is just another word for party. So, let’s have fun.

  31. Dana/Inara Says:

    Happy birthday, Pat! You’re in your Terrible Twos!

  32. Ana Says:

    Happy Birthday Pat

  33. Sharon Miner Says:

    Don’t ya just luv this new techy stuff?! I’ve had an online site since 2004 when my Beloved School Horses was released. I was lucky that my son is a graphic designer and computer guy, so he was kind enough to create the site. Since then, I’ve joined the social networks (mostly for writers and horse lovers, my two passions), set up 4 Blogs and even on Twitter! What will be next? I look forward to whatever is the next challenge for this hunt ‘n peck gal! Keep the fun going, Pat!

  34. Nancy Haddock Says:

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Pat, and many, MANY more wonderful years of blessings!

    Nancy Haddock

  35. Laurie Foston Says:

    OMG What a party I missed! I was outside rescuing the neighborhood cats!Now how is a cat rescue squadgoing to help get my books out there?

    Happy Birthday!

  36. Suzanne Francis Says:

    Congratulations on two great years!

  37. Marian Youngblood Says:

    happy birthday Pat: you are SO BRAVE. I think I may be a tad older than you &, tho I’ve been doing the computer thing since my electric typewriter died in 1993, I haven’t really become au fait with blogging yet. Your trail-blazing has hit me. I shall have to get to it. Not only because both your books are hits (bless Second Wind), but also because you have tenacity. And that does not rhyme with mendacity.

    On syllables – love it – if we’re looking for hard consonants for unconscious buyers, how do we figure ‘cellar door’ as the most beautiful combination in the English language? [oops: I was saving that question for something relevant on one of your clever questionnaires on 2ndW & it just popped out – use it with my blessing]. You are most certainly the happiest & most erudite two-year-old I know. x Marian

  38. christinehusom Says:

    I hope you had a very happy celebration. You’ve certainly done a lot in the past two years. Enjoy!

  39. Sandy Says:

    Happy Birthday, Pat.

    So glad you’re here with your wonderful format for discussions.

  40. Chelle Cordero Says:

    Happy 2 years and many, many more!

  41. Kristie Leigh Maguire Says:

    Happy 2nd birthday in the virtual world, Pat! May you have many many more. 🙂

  42. Deena @ My Bookshelf Says:

    Awww…you don’t look a day over 36 months:-) LOL!!

    Happy Birthday:-)

  43. otherlisa Says:

    “Hippo Birdy Two Ewe! Hippo Birdy Two Ewe!”

  44. June Bourgo Says:

    Sorry I missed the party, was out of town. Happy Birthday!

  45. Tracey Witt Says:

    Happy Cyber Birthday and Congratulations! Sorry I’m late. My very best to you. I hope you have many happy returns of the day.

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