Are you up to the challenge?


Let’s party!

I brought the fireworks. 


You can find my newly published novels at Amazon:
They are also available at a discount from Second Wind Publishing (payable through Pay Pal only):
The first fourteen people who order A Spark of Heavenly Fire from Second Wind Publishing will receive a spark of heavenly fire. Perhaps I erred. Perhaps it’s more of a spark of machine-made fire — a dainty crytal pendant — but it’s still free to the first fourteen customers.

Please join me here for a live online celebration all day Tuesday, March 31, 2009. Stop by when you can, but I will be here live from 5:00 pm ET to whenever. There will be dancing, games, eprizes.

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  1. Pat Bertram Says:

    I promised dancing, and here it is:


    Click on the purple circle, play your keyboard like a piano, and let’s dance!

  2. Pat Bertram Says:

    If you get here before me, play a game of solitaire:

    More Deaths Than One Solitaire

  3. otherlisa Says:

    Snork! Okay, I’m leaning towards MORE DEATHS THAN ONE (I’m suddenly on a budget. Dang). But then I wouldn’t get a spark of heavenly fire! Decisions, decisions.

  4. Laurie Foston Says:

    More Deaths Than one is fast paced, easy read and is very tightly woven in content so far.

  5. Roxanne Smolen Says:

    A Spark of Heavenly Fire is a great title, and the book sounds like its right up my alley. I love end of the world stuff. I can’t wait to read it.

  6. knightofswords Says:

    Congratulations. Hey, I went to a summer session in Boulder and had relatives living in CO years ago, so I’m looking forward to reading something from one of my favorite states/

    Best of luck with the books.


  7. L. V. Gaudet Says:

    Congratulations!!!!!! I am so happy for you!!

  8. adamblumer2 Says:

    Congratulations! That’s super! My novel is coming out today too. http://www.adamblumerbooks.com/

  9. Norm Brown Says:

    Congratulations Pat,
    You just morphed from a Writer to an Author.

  10. A. F. Stewart Says:

    My copies are in the mail. I’m salivating at the thought of reading them.

  11. Sherrie Hansen Says:

    Great trailers, Pat! You really know how to throw a party. Congratulations!

    Sherrie Hansen
    “Night and Day”
    Second Wind Publishing

  12. dellanioakes Says:

    CONGRATULATIONS! Isn’t it a wonderful feeling? I’m so happy for you! Dellani

  13. Victor J. Banis Says:

    congratulations, Pat – that first publishing event is so exciting, isn’t it? But, here’s a news bulletin from one who’s been around the track many, many times – the excitement never fades. I get just as thrilled today when I open a box from the publisher and see book number (I’m really not sure anymore, more than 160) as I did the first time. These days, maybe even more – just the idea that I’m still doing it (writing – some things have faded with time)


  14. MuchAdoAboutSomething Says:

    Well some guy named Talbot twittered you to me!! I took a look and, since I like apocolyptic stories, I ordered A Spark Of Heavenly Fire. Now why haven’t I heard about you before??????? Sure would like Kindle versions though!

  15. Scotti Cohn Says:

    Congratulations! Enjoy!

  16. Pat Bertram Says:

    Thank you all for stopping by to share this wonderful day.

    Here’s a special thank you present:


  17. D.B. Pacini Says:


    Congratulations! I’m so happy for you! I can’t wait to read More Deaths Than One and A Spark of Heavenly Fire. You’ve been a wonderful friend and I wish you the greatest success with your books.

    As you know, my novel was published a few days ago. It’s still not listed on Amazon or with other booksellers. My publisher says it will be within a couple of weeks. I’m anxiously awaiting the listing.

    I’ve placed a bulk order for copies and will mail you one as soon as I receive them.

    Keep writing my friend.

    Warmest Regards,

    D.B. Pacini

  18. Nancy Haddock Says:

    Pat, mega congrats on the books and the party!


  19. Debbie Waldrop-Spotleson Says:

    Congrats Pat!

  20. Edward G. Talbot Says:

    I guess I’m the Talbot who twittered to MuchAdoAboutSomething. Talk about an immediate and concrete example of how outreach sells books. I’m here because Pat friended me on facebook a few months back and I’ve participated in her groups. I know very few people who work as effectively at building their network as Pat does.

    So congrats, Pat! There is no question you will reap the rewards of your hard work.

  21. Pat Bertram Says:

    This is wonderful, seeing all of you — both old friends and new.

    Let’s play a game: I am thinking of a word. Whoever uses the word in a comment, gets an e-surprise. Whoever guesses the word will get one, too.

  22. D.B. Pacini Says:

    I’m guessin’ that the word is: PUBLISHED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  23. Pat Bertram Says:

    D.B., good guess, but no. My mind works more deviously than that.

  24. D.B. Pacini Says:

    Ha! Ha! I tried. See ya at the party!

  25. Daniel DC Says:

    Congratulations, Pat!

  26. Suzanne Francis Says:

    Congrats! Wish I had been there for the party. (My internet server picked the perfect moment to break… Not!)

  27. Cheryl Kaye Tardif Says:

    Congratulations on the new releases, Pat! I am so excited for you. Now you get to promote the heck out of them, and this party is a great start. 😉

    If you need any help with marketing your books, please let me know. I have set up my Book Marketing Coach venture at http://www.shamelessbookpromoter.com and I’d be happy to work with you. I’m only accepting 5 clients a month, so if you’re interested, let me know ASAP.

    I’m looking forward to posting something for you over at http://www.criminalmindsatwork.blogspot.com. Please try to get it to me soon so I can set it up. 🙂

    All the best in success to you!!!

    Cheryl Kaye Tardif
    Bestselling author & Book Marketing Coach

  28. Pat Bertram Says:

    Cheryl, I just now finished the article. About sociopaths. Hope that’s okay. Sending it your way. I am thrilled to be a guest on your blog! Thank you for inviting me.

  29. Marie Says:

    Congrats to you…. You ARE AWESOME!!

  30. Sandy Says:

    Love Colorado, Pat. Best of luck with your books.

  31. Gutsy Writer Says:

    Pat are you still there? I found you via APA and Tina Sue.

  32. John Foxjohn Says:


    Congrats on your big day. I know how you feel…. 🙂

  33. Pat Bertram Says:

    Gutsy Writer, I’m here. I know I promised to be here at 5:00pm ET, but Murphy of Murphy’s Law came to visit. Actually, the electric company came and put in a new meter. But now I’m here and will be here for the next few hours.

  34. Gutsy Writer Says:

    APA is authors promoting authors which Tina Sue Ducross has been running to promote authors.

  35. Pat Bertram Says:

    Since so many of you have unkowingly used the secret word, I’m going to give you all an e-prize. Have fun!

    A Spark of Heavenly Fire Gems

  36. Wendy Potocki Says:

    Congratulations and woo-hoo!!!!

    This is wonderful news!!!!!

    We should all be so lucky!!!

    And as for the dancing, where’s the pole????

  37. Mary Marvella Says:

    Pat, this blog totally rocks! I’m not sending anyone to mine until I spruce it up! I will let you visit the http://www.pinkfuzzyslipperwriters.blogspot.com one. I didn’t do the set ups!

    Pole, Wendy? Uh, who’s using the pole? I think I’ll sneak off and come back!

  38. D.B. Pacini Says:

    Ahhhhhh Wendy, I can’t handle the pole, LOL!

  39. Pat Bertram Says:

    Here’s another party favor to keep things exciting:

    ASHF Jigsaw

    I don’t need it. This day itself has been exciting. I am thrilled you all came to share it with me.

  40. April Says:

    Congrats! That is so awesome and exciting!!!

  41. clairecollins Says:

    I saw the post about wanting them on Kindle. They will be there very soon! Congrats Pat! I stopped by to see how things are going. Someone pass me some cake!

  42. Ana Says:

    Wow congrats Pat and what a wonderful party. The trailer for A Spark of Heavenly Fire was great.

  43. Sharon Schafer Says:

    Neat site Pat. I enjoyed the video of A Spark of Heavenly Fire. Best of luck with your books.


  44. Kenna Says:

    Sorry I’m late Pat, but I did do a happy dance for you with my 4-year-old, to Imagination Movers music!

    Truly, congratulations! I’m very happy for you, and look forward to reading both books!

  45. terena Says:

    Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!! Party on!

  46. ~Sia McKye~ Says:

    Pat, dragging butt, but here I am.

    I’m so glad to see this day come. It’s been a long and bumpy road, but at last, here you are. I’m sure there will be a bump or two still ahead–Murphy’s Law and all that– but it will make you feel right at home, won’t it? 😀

    Both you books have a wonderful premise, but you already know I’m leaning towards A Spark of Heavenly Fire. I should have my copy soon.

    Congrats, my friend!

    Ps, all the games and puzzles, music and whatnot have turned out well. The trailers are phenomenal!

  47. Pat Bertram Says:

    Sia, the party is just getting started! There are six more days of fun and games. And Murphy has been with me every minute of today. He and I are becoming good friends.

  48. K.S. Clay Says:


  49. Gary Val Tenuta Says:

    Major congrats, Pat! Sorry I’m late to the party. Had a party of my own today as it was my birthday! LOL!

    Now go sell a million books! We’ll see you on the NY Best Seller list! 🙂

  50. Stephen D. Covey Says:

    Congratulations on publication!

    These are my kind of stories – I write techno-thrillers.

    Best of luck with them.

  51. Sarah Butland Says:

    Congrats Pat! Well deserved, I’m sure.

  52. Anne Stuessy Says:

    Congratulations, Pat, this is so exciting! Great party too!

  53. J. A. Hunsinger Says:

    Congratulations on the publication of your two titles, Pat, what an achievement. And the party, Gads, you have outdone yourself. 🙂


  54. Nancy Haddock Says:

    Pat, huge congratulations and thanks for the party invite! What fun!!


  55. Kasey Proctor Says:

    Just stopping by to share in your celebration. Congratulations to you!!!

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